Research Opportunities
Ph.D. and M.Phil. Students (academic year 2021-2022)
*Recruit Ph.D. students who will apply for HKPFS*
I am currently recruiting 1-2 postgraduate research students (for both M.Phil. and Ph.D. applicants). Various backgrounds from Biomedical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics are welcome to apply. Candidates with optics/acoustics background could be a plus. Prospective students can get involved in a number of exciting projects, such as: (not exclusively)
(1). High-throughput imaging techniques for intraoperative tumor margin analysis (integrating with big-data diagnostics).
(2). Hyperspectral whole-organ imaging for revealing multi-biomolecules.
(3). Fiber optics and its applications in biomedicine (e.g., brain tumor's blood measurement).
(4). Low-cost deep tissue imaging by acoustic-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (AR-PAM) for clinical applications (e.g., skin melanoma imaging).
(5). Novel optical/acoustic imaging approaches for translational medicine or life science applications.
Proposals from students are particularly welcome! The admitted students will be given full studentship, with stipend sufficient for living expenses and tuition.
To apply, you need to have a bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics or equivalent. A Master degree would be a plus for Ph.D. applicants.
Interested? Please apply via http://pg.ust.hk/programs. For more details, please contact me via ttwwong<at>ust.hk (attaching your CV), with a title "Application for Postgraduate Research Student [M.Phil]/[Ph.D]".
**Ph.D. students are encouraged to apply for the Hong Kong Postgraudate Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)** Please discuss with me through ttwwong<at>ust.hk if you wish to apply for HKPFS. Application is due at the beginning of December each year.**
Postdoctoral Researchers (2 positions available)
I am currently recruiting 2 postdoctoral researchers. Various backgrounds from Biomedical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics are welcome to apply.
We are going for postdoctoral researchers with either one of the following abilities:
(1). Able to develop different animal disease models (e.g., cancers in mice)
(2). Able to develop different convolutional neural networks for optimal image processing/classification
​Interested? Please contact me via ttwwong<at>ust.hk (attaching your CV), with a title "Application for Postdoctoral Researcher".
Research Assistants (2 positions available)
I am currently recruiting 2 research assistants. Various backgrounds from Biomedical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics are welcome to apply. Candidates with optics/acoustics background could be a plus. The research assistant can get involved in a number of exciting projects.
​Interested? Please contact me via ttwwong<at>ust.hk (attaching your CV), with a title "Application for Research Assistant".
Undergraduate Students (always welcome)
Various backgrounds from Biomedical Engineering, Biological Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics are welcome to apply. Candidates with optics/acoustics background could be a plus.
Interested? Please contact me via ttwwong<at>ust.hk (attaching your CV), with a title "Application for Research Assistant [Undergraduate]".