Media Coverage
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TAB-Lab X PhoMedics Limited — Gold Award-winning Team in the HKUST-Sino One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition 2020 (company link)
Mingpao JUMP: "疫情、政策帶動生物科技行業 加強轉化醫學人才培育及儲備迎機遇" (04/29/2022)
CTgoodjobs: "【創新科技】科大創新技術節省4億醫療成本 生物科技需求日益增長" (03/21/2022)
HKUST SENG: "Putting Innovation into Practice - Chemical and Biological Engineering Teams Won Championship and First Runner-up in HKUST-Sino One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition" (08/11/2020) [Bonus: SENG eNewsletter]
The Standard: "Cancer-detecting startup wins business prize" (07/28/2020)
Sing Tao Daily: "科大顯微鏡快析腫瘤 奪創業賽金獎" (07/28/2020)
Bastillepost: "科大顯微鏡快析腫瘤 奪創業賽金獎" (07/28/2020)
Mingpao: "科大研顯微鏡術中執漏 助腫瘤切除免二度開刀" (07/28/2020)
Hong Kong Economic Journal: "科大新顯微鏡技術 直接檢測除癌細胞" (07/28/2020)
HK Wen Wei Po: "光敏水凝膠養幹細胞 遇LED光都有反應" (07/28/2020)
Hong Kong Economic Times: "顯微鏡新技術 助檢視癌細胞切除否" (07/28/2020)
Topick: "科大教授研顯微鏡技術 助順利切除腫瘤免重做手術" (07/27/2020)
Skypost: "【醫療科技】科大研新顯微鏡3分鐘出影像 助一次過清除癌細胞" (07/27/2020)
am730: "科研公司研新技術顯微鏡 測殘餘癌細胞精準度達95%" (07/27/2020)

Professor Terence Wong and his team @ TAB-Lab ―
Life at the Cutting Edge of Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Terence T. W. Wong was selected to be interviewed by the HKUST alumni magazine to share his insight and thoughts about Hong Kong education, HKUST bioengineering program, and his cutting-edge biomedical imaging research! (Summer 2019) [Details]

The launch of Bioengineering program @ HKUST
Sing Tao Daily: "科大新辦「生物工程」本科課程" – "The new undergraduate program "Bioengineering" offered by HKUST" (07/04/2018)
HK Wen Wei Po: "首推全港唯一「生物工程」主修科" – "The first and the only undergraduate program "Bioengineering" in Hong Kong" (07/04/2018)
The Standard: "Bioengineering to kick off at HKUST" (07/04/2018)
HKUST Media: "HKUST's New Undergraduate Program in Bioengineering Exposes Students to an Exciting World of Discovery Using Diverse Cutting-edge Technologies" (07/03/2018)
[Engineering School], [HKUST], [Facebook], or [Instagram]

Fast photoacoustic microscopy cuts additional tumor-removal surgeries
World Journal: “造影技術 可確認手術切淨腫瘤” – “Imaging technique that enables complete removal of cancer during surgery” (06/03/2017)
STL. News: “New Technique Reduces Need for Repeat Surgery for Breast Cancer Patients” (05/30/2017)
Medical News Today: “New imaging technique aims to ensure surgeons completely remove cancer” (05/19/2017)
Futurity: “Faster tumor test would cut repeat surgeries” (05/18/2017)
MedicalXpress: “New imaging technique aims to ensure surgeons completely remove cancer” (05/17/2017)
Caltech News: “Cutting Down on Cancer Surgeries” (05/17/2017)
WUSTL News: “New imaging technique aims to ensure surgeons completely remove cancer” (05/17/2017)
Science Advances Cover Rotator Story: “Quickly imaging breast cancer with sound waves” (05/17/2017)

Low-cost photoacoustic computed tomography

Asymmetric-detection time-stretch optical microscopy (ATOM)
Ta Kung Pao: “港大ATOM測癌更早更準” – “HKU’s new ATOM technology detects rare cancer cells earlier and more accurately” (02/21/2014)
Ming Pao: “港大高速攝影術找血癌細胞” – “HKU’s new high-speed camera detects rare cancer cells in the bloodstream” (02/21/2014)
HKU Media: “HKU advances new technology ATOM for spotting rare cancer cells and early cancer detection” (02/18/2014)